At Fresh Start, I discovered that people can show love to people they don’t even know. I had never even thought of that before. It changed everything for us.
Why build a House of Homes?
There is currently a housing crisis in Elgin-St. Thomas with over 1200 people waiting for social housing. But, there is a hidden group of people not even on this list. Mothers will often choose to stay in abusive situations to avoid taking their children to shelter or the street. These are the women Fresh Start Support Services empowers. Instead of helping them to get on a housing wait list, we are building them a house ourselves, so women can experience the dignity of their own home within a safe community. We are calling it a House of Homes.
What will the House of Homes be?
Our House of Homes will be a three-story dwelling, containing 12 apartments, a large communal space, and some offices. Three apartments will be fully accessible, and all common areas barrier free. Moreover, in partnership with the city's Women & Family Housing Stability Advisory Group, two apartments will be designated for women-led families experiencing acute homelessness. Renderings of our new House of Homes can be found below.
Why Should I Support the House of Homes?
By supporting this year’s House of Homes capital campaign, you join a group of people committed to creating safe, supported homes. You join us in fostering the notion of home in the larger sense — the community sense — as a place where even strangers care for one another, and prosperity is the reward for prioritizing people. Join us in building a House of Homes so that vulnerable women with a terrible past can gain a fresh start and build a brand-new future for their children.
Donate TODAY to help us build a House of Homes to provide housing and parenting stability for more families
Donations can be made by:
An e-transfer can be sent to
A cheque can be mailed to
PO Box 51, St. Thomas PO Main, ON N5P 3T5
or dropped off during business hours at
797 Talbot Street, St Thomas
If donating by cheque or e-transfer, please specify if it's for the House of Homes campaign.100% of proceeds go towards our new House of Homes.